밈 meme project Wolf / Space ship
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필수체크 | I have checked it out. |
퀄리티 관리 | I put a lot of effort into ensuring the quality of the memes. |
Captain Wolf and the Warriors of the Battleship Wolf.
We leave for the unknown world where mankind will settle.
Copyright(c) All rights reserved Wolfcoin and Project WOLF.
Comment 5
Comment WriteWolf is going to space and conquer the space after all
미지의 세계로 떠나는 캡틴과 전사들
새로 발견한 곳에 울프 깃발을 세우길 바래
새로 발견한 곳에 울프 깃발을 세우길 바래
화성 여행을 할려면 울프쉽정도는 돼야지~~
나도 저곳에 탑승하며 같이 여행해보길 간절히 소원해본다
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